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ICS's ShareVision Home Page
New Survey
New Survey:
Application- Volunteer
Date of Application
Date of Application Required Field Date
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Home Address
Mailing Address
Fill in if different from home address.
Home Phone Number
Cell Number
If you are applying for placement in a particular CSCL Program, please specify the name of program(s).
Sunday 7am - 3pm
Sunday 3pm - 11pm
Sunday - Monday 11pm - 7am
Monday 7am - 3pm
Monday 3pm - 11pm
Monday - Tuesday 11pm - 7am
Tuesday 7am - 3pm
Tuesday 3pm - 11pm
Tuesday - Wednesday 11pm - 7am
Wednesday 7am - 3pm
Wednesday 3pm - 11pm
Wednesday - Thursday 11pm - 7am
Thursday 7am - 3pm
Thursday 3pm - 11pm
Thursday - Friday 11pm - 7am
Friday 7am - 3pm
Friday 3pm - 11pm
Friday - Saturday 11pm - 7am
Saturday 7am - 3pm
Saturday 3pm - 11pm
Saturday - Sunday 11pm - 7am
Please check off what shifts you are available for?
Availability Comments
Header - Additional Information
Header Section - #95B3D7
Reason for Application
Why are you applying to volunteer with the Chilliwack Society for Community Living?
Allergies/ Limitations
Please describe any known allergies (ie. pets, foods) and any limitations you may have relating to them. If none please type N/A
If you have any relatives currently employed at CSCL, please list their name(s).
Relatives in service
If you have any relatives or anyone in your household currently receiving services from CSCL, please list their program(s).
Header - Volunteer Requirements
Header Section - #95B3D7
Criminal Record Check
I want to volunteer with adults
I want to volunteer with children
I have no preference
If you are applying to volunteer with adults: A Criminal Record Check must be obtained through the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General/ Criminal Records Review Program (CRRP) To obtain a Criminal Record Check, Volunteers must complete the Consent to a Criminal Record Check form available from CSCL. Once completed, submit form to CSCL HR Department. The CRRP is free of charge for volunteers. If you are applying to volunteer with Children/Youth a Criminal Record Check must be obtained through your local RCMP office. This is free of charge for volunteers. Please contact the CSCL HR department of instructions.
Confidentiality Oath
All matters and information pertaining to individuals that has been gained with the organization must be treated as confidential. Under no circumstances may an individuals information be divulged either inside or outside the organization other then to persons authorized to receive such information in the course of their duties. **By typing your name in the space above, you are stating that you have read and reviewed the above CSCL Confidentiality Oath and that you understand that all individuals information to which you may have access is confidential and is not to be communicated except as outlined in the confidentiality oath.
**By typing your name in the space above, you certify that all information in this application is true and complete. You understand that if any such information is at any time found to be false, such information may be cause for discharge or refusal of volunteer placement.
Additional Comments
Please click "OK" to submit your application.
Header - Office Use
Header Section - #95B3D7
Volunteer Placement
What site/ program will this volunteer be placed at?
Who will be the manager responsible for this volunteer?
CRRP Clearance
NA-placement is with children
Has the CRRP clearance letter been received? If no, please comment below.
CRRP comments
RCMP Clearance
N/A -Will be working with adults
Has the RCMP clearance been received? If no, please comment below.
RCMP Comments
HR Comments